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LinkOptimizer for Adobe InDesign Adds HEIC Image Conversion

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LinkOptimizer for Adobe InDesign Adds HEIC Image Conversion

April 02
14:48 2024
Zevrix Solutions announces LinkOptimizer 6.2, a feature update to company’s image workflow automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. LinkOptimizer saves users hours of manual processing by automatically reducing InDesign links size as well as converting image formats and optimizing their contents. The app resizes links to their InDesign dimensions, converts colors, merges Photoshop layers and more. The new update adds an option to convert HEIC images to other formats such as TIFF, PSD and JPEG.

Toronto, ON, Canada – April 2, 2024 – Zevrix Solutions today announces the release of LinkOptimizer 6.2, a feature update to company’s image workflow automation plug-in for Adobe InDesign. LinkOptimizer liberates InDesign users from time-consuming repetitive operations by streamlining complex image manipulation tasks. After editing images in Photoshop, LinkOptimizer reimports files to InDesign at 100% in their exact position.

The new version adds an option to convert HEIC images placed in InDesign into other formats such as PSD, TIFF, and JPEG. HEIC, standing for High Efficiency Image Container, is the image format traditionally used by Apple across its mobile devices. Although HEIC files can be placed into InDesign, converting them into more universally recognized image formats is recommended for superior output quality in print, web, or digital documents.

“LinkOptimizer makes cutting huge linked images down to size a cinch,” reports Computer Arts magazine. “For those wanting to quickly optimize their images and cut down on processing time, LinkOptimizer is a very smart choice.”

LinkOptimizer harnesses the power of Photoshop to eliminate the excess image data of InDesign links, perform essential image adjustments such as color conversion and sharpening, and convert image formats. For example, with just a click of a button users can:

Batch-process dozens of InDesign files

– Change InDesign link resolution to 300 dpi

– Scale and crop images to match their InDesign dimensions

Resave JPEG files as PSD

– Run a Photoshop action on each image.

– Convert RGB images to a CMYK profile

As a result users can save gigabytes of drive space and countless hours of manual image optimizing, accelerate document output, reduce job turnaround, and cut costs through faster processing.

Pricing and Availability:

LinkOptimizer can be purchased from Zevrix website for US$259.95 (Lite version: $179.95) as well as from Adobe Exchange and authorized resellers. Trial is also available for download. The update is free for LinkOptimizer 6.x users and $130 to upgrade from previous versions. LinkOptimizer requires macOS 10.12-14.x and Adobe InDesign / Photoshop CS6-2024.

About Zevrix Solutions

Located in Toronto, Canada, Zevrix Solutions provides productivity solutions for Adobe Creative Cloud software, PDF and graphic file diagnostics, as well as Microsoft Office on macOS. Zevrix Solutions is dedicated to helping professionals increase their profits through automating their everyday tasks, producing error-free documents, saving disk space and cutting production costs. For more information, visit

Media Contact
Company Name: Zevrix Solutions
Contact Person: Leo Revzin, Owner
Email: Send Email
Phone: 858-206-0607
Country: Canada